Using Weed Killers And Making Sure Your Lawn Stays Healthy

If you have some especially hearty crabgrass on your property or if you are dealing with an abundance of weeds, then you may want to use some heavy-duty or commercial weed control products. Before you do so, you want to make sure that you are not destroying your lawn in the process. In other words, you want to end up with a healthy and green lawn when you are done. Keep reading to learn about some tips to help you save your lawn.

Make Sure Your Grass Can Handle The Herbicide

Before you purchase and use a weed control product, you want to make sure that it is safe for your lawn. The product should be labeled as safe for use on all types of grass. If you have a hearty rye, fescue, or Kentucky bluegrass variety, then this may not be a huge issue. However, if you have a grass that is more sensitive to chemical damage, then damage can be caused.

Specifically, grasses like St. Augustine and Zoysia grasses that can react to broadleaf herbicides. Broadleaf chemicals are abundant in almost all weed killers, especially the commercial varieties. So, opt for a crabgrass killer instead or a nut-grass killer. Also, you can use the non-selective herbicides and place a small amount on each offending weed so as not to disrupt your overall grass.

If you have sensitive grass or if you want to ensure the effectiveness of the weed killer, you should also make sure to use the chemical agent on a moderately warm day. Hot weather can stress out a yard. The addition of chemical agents can cause further stress issues. 

Do Not Mow

The effectiveness of your weed killing chemical may be hampered if you mow your lawn immediately before spreading the herbicide. This will reduce the leaves that soak up the chemicals.

Also, if you mow are spreading the herbicide, you may cut away broadleaves that have already absorbed the chemical. It will not have a chance to work, and the weed may continue to thrive.

Mowing is stressful to your grass too, so you may inadvertently cause stress to your healthy grass by mowing too soon. Wait at least two days to mow after using the weed killer. Do not water your lawn either, or this may spread the weed killer into the soil, and the chemical may be too diluted to work properly.

Keep in mind that two applications of week killer are often necessary to get rid of your weeds, so be patient. Do not overdo it with the initial application or your grass may suffer. For more information, check out a website like
